Submit WK8- Project 1 Layout Series FINAL

WK8- Project 1 Layout Series FINAL - Due Sunday, 10/16 midnight

This week (WK8) you will submit your Famous Person or Event Layout Series project for a final grade. The expectation is that you have read all the feedback posted about your work in the peer critique from your classmates and your instructor. You have implemented all suggestions made by your peers and instructor and at this point your work is in finish form.

Use the checklist below to ensure your final work meets all the criteria below before submission for grading.

Grading Criteria for Layout Designs .indd file. (submit (1) final .indd file with (3) pages)

  1. InDesign document should be setup based on the setup lecture using InDesign in WK6.

  2. InDesign document should have a grid structure based on intended layout and grid options posted in WK4.

  3. InDesign document should be setup for a bleed if the project includes a bleed design.

  4. Photos and artwork should not be repeated throughout the layout series, unless it's a logo mark or graphic elements. Overuse of any one image (photograph/artwork) causes the viewer to get bored and lose interest, it is your job to keep your designs engaging and interactive.

  5. All images must be at least 150-200 dpi and be in the following (for print) formats .psd .tiff and .eps. This is a print design class and NO JPGs, PNGs OR GIFs should be used. JPGs, PNGs & GIFs are used for web and screen projects only.

  6. It is recommended that you create your own original artwork, photography, illustration & info graphics for this project. However, if you appropriate others works or borrow content from other artists/writers you should keep it under 25%; at least 75% of what you use in this project must be original. Written material is subject to the same consideration, but I'm flexible in that you can use 100% of others written content but be sure at the end of the project you must create MLA citations of all borrowed written works. Any images, artwork, written content and info graphics borrowed from other sources MUST be cited in a bibliography page inside your Final Process PDF.

  7. Color swatches panel should be neat and organized with only the colors used for the project.

Grading Criteria for Package Files (Watch WK8 Videos on Preparing final files for Submission)

  1. Follow the instruction posted inside WK8 for preparing your package for this project.

  2. You will turn in separate package files for the layout designs, image collection and fonts. These files will be organized in their own individual folders.

  3. Include with your package files all Fonts used for the project, the package process will help with this task.

Grading Criteria for Process PDF (Watch WK8 Videos on Preparing final files for Submission)

  1. As stated in the (WK8) Lecture Video you will need to combine your process work together into one PDF document.

  2. Include the following in your final process report:

    (WK4) Sketches & creative workplan worksheet

    (WK5) Identify your content and bibliography citations

    (WK7) Layout design PDF development for peer critique

    (WK8) Final layout designs—PDF with crop marks and bleed

  3. If you have question about how to compile this final report be sure to watch the WK8 Lecture Video on how to put the report together.

Create a folder named your lastname_P1 Final, place the InDesign document, the packaged folders and the final process PDF into that folder. Create a .zip folder of all the contents of this folder. Make sure before you submit your work you have labeled the folder with your lastname_P1 Final. Submit your work to this assignment area for grading.

Instructions for creating a .zip folder for submitting work to the dropbox.

Mac Platform
1. Place all your files inside a folder labeled (lastname_Exercise#).
2. Select the folder and go to File > Compress (lastname_Exercise#)
3. A .ZIP file will be created at the root location of your original folder.
4. Upload file to the proper assignment area, make sure to Submit Assignment proceeding the upload.

PC Platform
1. Place all your files inside a folder labeled (lastname_Exercise#).
2. Right mouse click on the folder and select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder 
3. A .ZIP file will be created on your desktop. A zipper icon or .zip will be added to the filename. 
4. Upload file to the proper assignment area, make sure to Submit Assignment proceeding the upload.

Project 1 Layout Series Grading Criteria:
Maximum Points
Utilization of acquired InDesign skills and knowledge
Attention to craft and following assigned criteria for layout design
Electronic preparation and presentation is complete and accurate
Final thought process report is organized and complete