WK6- Reading & Reference Materials

1. WK6 - Readings for Inspirations (Optional)


WK6-Reading for Inspiration (Optional Textbook)

Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Cole Phillips. Graphic Design the New Basics
Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.

This textbooks is an optional textbook for this class. You will find the textbooks inside your Learning Materials in the navigation bar on the left of your eCampus classroom. 

NOTE: Attention Visual Learners -  This is a wonderful learning resource if you want to look at pictures of all the concepts we discuss in class. 

WK6-Reading Assignment

Gregg, Berryman. Notes on graphic design and visual communications. N.p.:
William Kaufman, Inc, 1984. Print.

  • Grids for layout design, pgs 38-43
Readings Criteria
Maximum Points
Reference your readings in the Discussion Questions
Apply your readings and references to your major project