WK1 How to Download Lesson files and Submit Homework Files to eCampus

  1. NEVER submit any assignment/report files to eCampus without first labeling them with your lastname.
  2. As you save out each Assignment/Report file, be sure to label each file with your lastname_Assignment/Report?.
  3. If you have multiple files to submit, make sure to create a separate Assignment/Report Folder and place all files that go with each assignment/report together, label that folder lastname_WK?_Assignment/Report?
  4. Once finished with assignments/reports for the week, if you have multiple files to submit you will follow the instruction below for making .zip files to submit to the assignment area. Do not bulk upload. Each assignment and each report has it's own designated DropBox.

Mac Platform
1. Place all your files inside a folder labeled (lastname_Exercise#).
2. Select the folder and go to File > Compress (lastname_Exercise#)
3. A .ZIP file will be created at the root location of your original folder.
4. Upload file to the proper assignment area, make sure to Submit Assignment proceeding the upload.

PC Platform
1. Place all your files inside a folder labeled (lastname_Exercise#).
2. Right mouse click on the folder and select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder 
3. A .ZIP file will be created on your desktop. A zipper icon or .zip will be added to the filename. 
4. Upload file to the proper assignment area, make sure to Submit Assignment proceeding the upload.